Notes to Contributors

7. Author’s CV

A short CV including the author`s affiliation and professional postal and email address must be sent in a separate file. All special acknowledgements on behalf of the authors must not appear in the submitted text and should be sent in the separate file. When the manuscript is accepted for publication in the journal, the special acknowledgement will be included in a footnote on the first page of the paper.

8. Review Process

The reason for these requests is that all articles which pass the editorial review, with the exception of articles from the invited contributors, will be subject to a strict double anonymous-review process. Therefore the authors should avoid in their manuscripts any mention to their previous work or use an impersonal or neutral form when referring to it.

The submissions will be sent to at least two reviewers recognized as specialists in their topics. The editors will take  the necessary measures to assure that no conflict of interest is involved in the review process.

The review process is intended to be as quick as possible and to take no more than three months. Authors not receiving any answer during the mentioned period are kindly asked to get in contact with the editors.

The authors will be notified by the editors via e-mail about the acceptance or rejection of their papers.

The editors reserve their right to ask the authors to revise their papers and the right to require reformatting of accepted manuscripts if they do not meet the norms of the journal.

9. Acceptance of the Papers

The editorial committee has the final decision on the acceptance of the papers. Papers accepted will be published, as far as possible, in the order in which they are received and they will appear in the journal in the alphabetical order of their authors.

10. Responsibilities

Authors bear full responsibility for the contents of their own contributions. The opinions expressed in the texts published do not necessarily express the views of the editors. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain written permission for quotations from unpublished material, or for all quotations that exceed the limits provided in the copyright regulations.

11. Checking Proofs

Authors should retain a copy of their paper against which to check proofs. The final proofs will be sent to the corresponding author in PDF format. The author must send an answer within 3 days. Only minor corrections are accepted and should be sent in a separate file as an e-mail attachment.

12. Reviews

Authors who wish to have their books reviewed in the journal should send them at the following address: Institutul de Cercetări Economice şi Sociale „Gh. Zane” Academia Română, Filiala Iaşi, Str. Teodor Codrescu, Nr. 2, 700481, Iaşi, România. The authors of the books are asked to give a valid e-mail address where they will be notified concerning the publishing of a review of their book in our journal. The editors do not guarantee that all the books sent will be reviewed in the journal. The books sent for reviews will not be returned.

13. Copyright & Publishing Rights

The journal holds copyright and publishing rights under the terms listed by the CC BY-NC License (). Authors have the right to use, reuse and build upon their papers for non-commercial purposes. They do not need to ask permission to re-publish their papers but they are kindly asked to inform the Editorial Board of their intention and to provide acknowledgement of the original publication in Logos & Episteme, including the title of the article, the journal name, volume, issue number, page number and year of publication. All articles are free for anybody to read and download. They can also be distributed, copied and transmitted on the web, but only for non-commercial purposes, and provided that the journal copyright is acknowledged.

No manuscripts will be returned to their authors. The journal does not pay royalties.

14. Electronic Archives

The journal is archived on the Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch web page. The electronic archives of Logos & Episteme are also freely available on Philosophy Documentation Center, Philpapers, CiteFactor, and