Author: Marcoen J.T.F. CABBOLET
Keywords: fourth condition approach Gettier’s problem JTB analysis knowledge

Author: Marcoen J.T.F. CABBOLET
Keywords: fourth condition approach Gettier’s problem JTB analysis knowledge
Author: Wai Lok CHEUNG
Keywords: epistemic liability epistemic responsibility justification New Evil Demon rationality reason reasonableness scepticism
Author: Xuanzi FANG
Keywords: anti-intellectualism intellectualism intentional action know-how propositional knowledge
Author: Virginia GRIGORIADOU and Frank COUTELIERIS
Keywords: fiction models mathematical models models of informatics physical models theoretical models
Author: Benoit GUILIELMO
Keywords: commitment incapacity Jane Friedman non-belief suspension of judgement
Author: Miguel LÓPEZ-ASTORGA
Keywords: classical logic inheritance relation non-axiomatic system nonmonotonicity term logic
Author: Christopher NOONAN
Keywords: constraint defeat epistemic explanationism explanatory Third-Factor